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2024-12-13 19:34:10

First, the development prospect of sodium ion batteries3. Policy support: China Municipal Government attaches great importance to the development of energy storage batteries, and has issued a series of policies and measures to support the research and development and application of new energy storage technologies such as sodium ion batteries. This will provide a strong policy guarantee for the development of Pawa in the field of sodium ion batteries.Sodium ion battery: a new star in energy transformation and the development opportunity of Pawa shares

1. Low cost: The abundant sodium resources make the raw material cost of sodium ion batteries much lower than that of lithium ion batteries, which is of great significance for large-scale energy storage and transportation applications.2. High safety: The sodium ion battery has an ultra-wide working temperature range of -40℃-80℃, and it is not easy to get out of control even at high temperature, so its safety is higher.3. Industrial and distributed energy storage: The demand for industrial and distributed energy storage systems is increasing gradually. These systems are usually used in micro-grids or enterprise parks, and need stable power supply to support production and daily operation. Sodium ion battery can be applied to some remote areas where it is difficult to access the power grid because of its good performance and high cost performance at low temperature.

Opportunity:Challenge:3. Supply chain stability: The stability of raw material supply for sodium ion batteries is very important for the development of industrial chain. Pawa shares need to strengthen cooperation with suppliers to ensure the stable supply of raw materials and cost control.

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